DOM Methods Tutorial

What are DOM Methods?

  1. DOM methods are actions that you can perform on HTML elements.
  2. They are used to create, modify, and remove HTML elements, as well as to access and manipulate their properties.

Node Methods

  1. appendChild
  2. cloneNode
  3. hasChildNodes
  4. insertBefore
  5. removeChild
  6. replaceChild

Element Methods

  1. setAttribute
  2. getAttribute
  3. removeAttribute
  4. getAttributeNode
  5. setAttributeNode
  6. removeAttributeNode
  7. getElementsByTagName
  8. querySelector
  9. querySelectorAll

Document Methods

  1. createElement
  2. createTextNode
  3. getElementById
  4. getElementsByClassName
  5. getElementsByName
  6. querySelector
  7. querySelectorAll