JavaScript Classes Practical Examples

In this tutorial, you will understand the classes in JavaScript by making some real world examples.

A Product class for an e-commerce application

  1. A Product class could have properties such as name, description, price, and image.
  2. It could also have methods such as addToCart() and removeFromCart().
  3. his class could be used to create a reusable component for displaying product information on an e-commerce website.
  4. It could also be used to manage the state of the shopping cart, such as adding and removing products.
class Product {
    constructor(name, description, price, image) { = name;
      this.description = description;
      this.price = price;
      this.image = image;
      this.quantityInCart = 0;
    addToCart() {
    removeFromCart() {
    getTotalPrice() {
      return this.price * this.quantityInCart;
// Create a new Product object.
const product = new Product('T-shirt', 'A comfortable and stylish T-shirt.', 19.99, '');

// Add the product to the shopping cart.

// Display the product information and total price.
console.log(`Product name: ${}`);
console.log(`Product description: ${product.description}`);
console.log(`Product price: ${product.price}`);
console.log(`Product quantity in cart: ${product.quantityInCart}`);
console.log(`Total price: ${product.getTotalPrice()}`);

Product name: T-shirt
Product description: A comfortable and stylish T-shirt.
Product price: 19.99
Product quantity in cart: 1
Total price: 19.99

A User class for a social media application

  1. A User class could have properties such as name, email address, profile picture, and friends list. It could also have methods such as login(), logout(), and postMessage().
  2. This class could be used to create a reusable component for displaying user information on a social media website.
  3. It could also be used to manage the state of user sessions and to handle user interactions, such as posting messages and adding friends.
class User {
    constructor(name, email, profilePicture) { = name; = email;
      this.profilePicture = profilePicture;
      this.friends = [];
      this.loggedIn = false;
    // Method to log in the user
    login() {
      this.loggedIn = true;
      console.log(`${} has logged in.`);
    // Method to log out the user
    logout() {
      this.loggedIn = false;
      console.log(`${} has logged out.`);
    // Method to post a message
    postMessage(message) {
      if (this.loggedIn) {
        console.log(`${} has posted: ${message}`);
      } else {
        console.log('You must be logged in to post a message.');
    // Method to add a friend
    addFriend(friend) {
      console.log(`${} has added ${} as a friend.`);
// Creating instances of the User class
const user1 = new User('Alice', '', 'alice.jpg');
const user2 = new User('Bob', '', 'bob.jpg');

// Logging in and using the class methods
user1.postMessage('Hello, everyone!');

user2.postMessage('Hi there!');


The output of the above code will be

Alice has logged in.
Alice has posted: Hello, everyone!
Alice has added Bob as a friend.
Bob has logged in.
Bob has posted: Hi there!
Bob has added Alice as a friend.
Alice has logged out.
Bob has logged out.

A Game object class for a video game

  1. A Game object class could have properties such as position, velocity, and health
  2. It could also have methods such as move(), attack(), and takeDamage().
  3. This class could be used to create reusable components for representing different types of game objects, such as players, enemies, and projectiles
  4. It could also be used to manage the state of the game world and to handle game physics.
class GameObject {
    constructor(name, position, velocity, health) { = name;
      this.position = position;
      this.velocity = velocity; = health;
    // Method to move the game object
    move(newPosition) {
      this.position = newPosition;
      console.log(`${} has moved to position (${newPosition.x}, ${newPosition.y}).`);
    // Method to attack another game object
    attack(target) {
      console.log(`${} is attacking ${}.`);
      // Implement attack logic here
    // Method to take damage
    takeDamage(damage) { -= damage;
      if ( <= 0) {
        console.log(`${} has been defeated.`);
      } else {
        console.log(`${} has taken ${damage} damage. Health: ${}`);
// Creating instances of the GameObject class
const player = new GameObject('Player', { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, 100);
const enemy = new GameObject('Enemy', { x: 10, y: 10 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, 50);

// Using the class methods
player.move({ x: 5, y: 5 });
enemy.move({ x: 12, y: 12 });



The output of the above code will be.

Player has moved to position (5, 5).
Enemy has moved to position (12, 12).
Player is attacking Enemy.
Enemy has taken 20 damage. Health: 30
Enemy is attacking Player.
Player has taken 30 damage. Health: 70