Webstack Notes

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HTML 5 Tutorial

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It's the regular code used to make web pages. HTML has certain pre-made parts that help in building the structure and content of the webpage.

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JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic programming language commonly used for web development to create interactive and dynamic web pages.

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React JS Tutorial

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces, commonly used for creating interactive and dynamic web applications.

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Node JS Tutorial

Node.js is free, server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows coders to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser.Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on the V8 JavaScript engine.

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MongoDB Tutorial

MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL (non-relational) database management system. It stores data in a flexible, semi-structured BSON format, which is similar to JSON.

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